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AI  Together with people through technology
A company that shares values and dreams of the future

Business + AI + People Byple Co., Ltd.
​AI + DataOps

We provide expertise with an effective data flow focus on AI convergence platforms,

We provide one-stop solution experience for data pipelines and analysis platforms.


​We provide construction experience and know-how throughout the deployment pipeline for the software development and operation process based on stable open source.

Solution for AI

Intelligent analysis platform solution “Grid AI”

We provide the best technology and experience for customer success and an optimized environment for establishing services and strategies tailored to your company's environment.

Who are we

Our Service


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KB Kookmin Bank

KB Kookmin Bank My Data Service Construction


​A public service that efficiently secures infrastructure and data and system stability through a construction project that successfully advanced Kookmin Bank's AWS cloud business.

Shinhan Financial Group Holdings

Shinhan TODP AI analysis platform and AI service development


Shinhan Holding Group's lifestyle-friendly platform business establishes an AI and analysis platform to develop data-based decision-making services and motion recognition services such as golf and dance using AI technology.

analysis bar chart
analysis chart

​Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency

Occupational Safety and Health Agency video analysis technology research


Research on establishing fall accident prevention measures using video analysis technology

Identification of industrial safety PPE objects, construction of on-site inspection data, and AI model research using AI computer vision technology

How it works

Our Customer

Viple and
A company with a future together

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Contact Us

If you have any questions, please contact us
A representative will kindly respond via email.

Please fill out the form below.

Thank you

​Byple Co., Ltd.

364 Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul

​Room 1305, 13th floor, Miwang Building

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